Advanced Arborist
Price includes a course manual, which will be provided at the time of your training.
Take Your Experience to the Next Level
This is a five day class with a minimum of 40 hours. This class is designed for individuals who have completed the ACRT Arborist Training Basic Arborist class or have at least two years of on-the-job experience along with some formal training. This class is limited to 12 students at a time and instruction is done both hands-on and in the classroom.
ACRT Arborist Training does not provide aerial lifts.
The prerequisites for this class are:
- Ability to climb to 20’ with rope and saddle
- Ability to tie at least four basic knots
- Know and practice safe chainsaw techniques
- Tree removal experience
- Limb walking experience
- Basic knowledge of current ANSI Safety Standards
In this class you will learn:
- Current ANSI Safety Standards
- Compartmentalization Theory of Decay in Trees (CODIT)
- To develop and present safety meetings
- How to select appropriate tree species for specific sites
- Proper planting techniques
- Roping, rigging, and zip lining
- How to handle storm damage recovery
- How to use a tree crane for removal
- How to conduct safe aerial rescue training
- How to create a tree appraisal report
- How to complete a hazard tree rating
- Basic supervisory and interpersonal skills
- The basics of pest and disease diagnosis
- How to use ascenders, split-tail climbing systems, cambium savers, and false crotches
Upon completion of this class you will receive:
- ACRT Arborist Training certificate of completion
- ACRT Arborist Training’s Working In Trees textbook, complete with current ANSI Safety Standards
- ANSI A300 Pruning Standards
- Sample forms that may be used for copying
- ISA Continuing Education Units (CEUs), if requested
- A pass/fail grade
ACRT (Arlington, TX)2501 Centennial Dr.Arlington, TX 76011
Ellington Agricultural Center (Nashville, TN)440 Hogan Rd.Nashville, TN 37220
ACRT Services, Inc. (Stow, OH)4500 Courthouse Blvd., Suite 150Stow, OH 44065
The City of Burlingame, CA (Burlingame, CA)850 Burlingame Ave.Burlingame, CA 94010